Capstone: Entrepreneurship in Action
Harvard Summer School
MGMT S-599
Section 1
CRN 34791
This course is intended as the capstone course for the Harvard Extension School's Master of Liberal Arts (ALM), management, integrating coursework in functional areas such as marketing, finance, accounting, human resource management, and operations management. It introduces the concept of strategic management through case analyses involving the basic direction and goals of a real-world challenge, organization, or capstone client; the social, political, technological, economic, and global environment; the industry and market structure; and the organization's strengths and weaknesses. The emphasis is on the development and successful implementation of strategy in different types of firms.
Registration Closes: June 17, 2025
Credits: 4
View Tuition Information Term
Summer Term 2025
Part of Term
3-week session I
On Campus
Credit Status
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