Riots, Strikes, and Conspiracies in American History
Harvard Extension School
HIST E-1680
Section 1
CRN 16857
The course examines the history of riots, strikes, and conspiracies in America from the 1600s to the present. This course uses readings and discussions to focus on a series of short-term events that shed light on American politics, culture, and social organization. It emphasizes finding ways to make sense of these complicated, highly traumatic events, and on using them to understand larger processes of change in American history. While race has been an important element to every riot, strike, and conspiracy in American history, most of these events represented overlapping interests of race, gender, class, and even sexuality. As such, we consider events that occurred in a variety of circumstances. The present conditions of poverty, policing, and protest always inform our starting point when we engage the readings. A central thesis of this course is that the present is best understood through a deliberate examination of the past.
Registration Closes: August 29, 2024
Credits: 4
View Tuition Information Term
Fall Term 2024
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Full Term
Live Attendance Web Conference with Required On-Campus Weekend
Credit Status
Graduate, Undergraduate
Section Status