The Science of Physical Activity for Health and Well-Being
Harvard Extension School
NUTR E-1036
Section 1
CRN 26455
Exercise is medicine and fundamental to good health. Given the current epidemic of disease related to sedentary behavior, it is imperative to train future healthcare providers to understand the relationship between physical activity and health. There is also a need to educate healthcare professionals on the benefits of prescribing exercise to their patients. While the benefits of exercise are widely known, healthcare practitioners, including health and wellness coaches, do not always have the necessary training to counsel their patients on how to incorporate exercise and physical activity into their daily routines. Students may not take both NUTR E-1036 and PSYC E-1036 (offered previously) for degree or certificate credit.
Registration Closes: January 22, 2025
Credits: 4
View Tuition Information Term
Spring Term 2025
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Full Term
Flexible Attendance Web Conference
Credit Status
Graduate, Noncredit, Undergraduate
Section Status