Negotiation and Organizational Conflict Resolution
Harvard Summer School
MGMT S-4225
Section 2
CRN 35171
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the concept and types of negotiation. It is designed for students who wish to manage individual and organizational conflict and negotiations more effectively based on the premise that those in management positions engage in some form of negotiation daily. Students discuss the meaning, types, and different strategies of negotiation with an emphasis on an integrative, collaborative, win-win negotiation approach. A variety of topics are discussed including, but not limited to, workplace conflict, strategies for diagnosing, emotional elements in approaching negotiation and conflict resolution, psychological subprocesses, social contexts, individual and cultural differences, multiparty situations, and dealing with impasses. Students learn theories of interpersonal and organizational conflict and its resolution as applied to personal, corporate, historical, and political contexts. Students engage in topic driven discussions, deep case study analysis, mediation training, and a capstone simulation exercise. The course emphasizes the significance of leadership in approaching and managing a negotiation situation and organizational conflict resolution.
Registration Closes: June 17, 2025
Credits: 4
View Tuition Information Term
Summer Term 2025
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3-week session I
On Campus
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