Mexican Postcards: An Introduction to Mexico’s Histories, Cultures, and Traditions
Harvard Extension School
HUMA E-211
Section 1
CRN 26679
This introductory course allows students to explore and become acquainted with Mexico's ethnic, cultural, and linguistic richness and historical and social complexity. In doing so, students learn about Mexico's many contributions to the world as a crossroads between continents, oceans, historical times, world events, and global forces. The course includes pre-work, co-construction of knowledge through in-class discussion, a final creative project, and a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where students explore Mexican art of the periods of their choice in the museum's American wing.
Registration Closes: January 23, 2025
Credits: 2
View Tuition Information Term
Spring Term 2025
Part of Term
Active Learning Weekend
Active Learning Weekend
Credit Status
Graduate, Undergraduate
Section Status