Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Harvard Summer School

MGMT S-5400

Section 1

CRN 35856

View Course Details
This course is designed to teach fundamental principles and best practices and methodologies for creating and scaling a successful, high-impact entrepreneurial venture. The course is highly experiential and action-based. Human-centric design and highly iterative lean/agile methodologies serve as cornerstones for this course. Students are grouped into teams around common interests and the venture creation process is walked through step by step, culminating in a pitch to angel investors and venture capitalists. Students may not take both MGMT S-540 and MGMT S-5400 for degree or certificate credit.

Instructor Info

Michael Grandinetti, MBA

Adjunct Professor, School of Engineering and Faculty Lead, School of Professional Studies, Brown University

Meeting Info

MTWTh 3:15pm - 6:15pm (6/24 - 7/11)

Participation Option: On Campus


Last day to register: June 20, 2024


Very strong communication skills as this is an intensely team-focused course. Students work on real ventures and there is a workshop component to each class.


Not open to Secondary School Program students.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
35856 1 On Campus Michael Grandinetti Field not found in response. MTWTh 3:15pm - 6:15pm
Jun 24 to Jul 11