Digital Media: From Prototypes to Products and Services

Harvard Extension School


Section 1

CRN 25712

View Course Details
This is a practical software engineering course on creating a minimum viable product or service based on an interactive prototype for a mobile or web application designed in Framer (or Figma, or Play). We begin with a detailed review of the designs with particular attention to the underlying design system, and in particular, its component or pattern library. The first half of the course is dedicated to building a fully functioning demo of your application, where the the front-end user experience is powered by these components and the backend is implemented on a platform like Supabase. We dedicate the second half of the course to either enriching your demo with novel features or preparing a version of your application for launch as a product or service. In the former case, the work on final deliverables may focus on iterative refinements to interaction and interface design or integration with third-party services for real-time interactivity and working with cloud storage and live data. In the latter case, the work would focus on deployment, security, and scaling. Your work in this course is based on significant use of a mix of these tools: Notion, Framer, HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Next.js, Github, and Visual Studio Code.

Instructor Info

Bakhtiar Mikhak, PhD

Co-Founder, Media Modifications, Ltd.

Meeting Info

SaSu 9:00am - 5:00pm (3/8 - 3/9)
M 5:10pm - 7:10pm (1/27 - 5/17)

Participation Option: On Campus or Online Synchronous


Last day to register: January 23, 2025

Additional Time Commitments

Required sections to be arranged.


DGMD E-1 or equivalent with permission of the instructor.


This course meets via web conference. Students must attend and participate at the scheduled meeting time. Along with the web-conference meetings, this course also includes an intensive—and mandatory—weekend residency. Students must be present for the entire on-campus weekend session to earn credit for the course. The course begins via web conference during the first week of the term and continues to meet throughout the term. Please see the syllabus for the specific course meeting dates. Tuition does not include hotel accommodations, transportation, or meals for the on-campus weekend session. International students see important visa information.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
25712 1 On Campus, Online Synchronous Bakhtiar Mikhak Open SaSu 9:00am - 5:00pm
M 5:10pm - 7:10pm
Jan 27 to May 17