CRISPR: Gene Editing Applications for Healthcare and Biotechnology
Harvard Extension School
BIOS E-245
Section 1
CRN 25920
CRISPR is a recent gene-editing technology providing an efficient, effective, and precise solution to genetic engineering with applications in the healthcare, biotechnology, and agriculture industries. CRISPR has a promising potential to transform diseases treatments, contribute to food security, or even aid biofuel production. Using real-world case studies, the course illustrates CRISPR's potential to cure inherited genetic disorders, to treat infectious diseases such as HIV, and to advance the fight against cancer. When applicable, the impact and possibilities of the outcomes of CRISPR's applications on the healthcare industry are discussed. The course also discusses the applications of CRISPR in the biotechnology industry and their roles in the development of disease-resistant cultivars, improving food yields, and allowing biofuels to become a viable alternative energy source.
Registration Closes: January 23, 2025
Credits: 4
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