World Religions

Harvard Extension School

RELI E-1010

Section 1

CRN 16100

View Course Details
This course seeks to introduce students to a variety of religious traditions, texts, and practices through the lenses provided by the academic study of religion. The traditions studied include Islam, Taoism, Judaism, Hinduism, and Rastafari(ism). Topics studied include liminal states and rites of passage, symbols and social belonging, the sacred and the profane, music and trance, and religion and politics. While this course exposes students to some of the most important figures, texts, beliefs, and practices of these traditions, students also develop analytical frameworks of inquiry through which to contemplate and experience religious concepts and practices provided by the various theorists of the academic study of religion along with comparative insider frameworks of analysis.

Instructor Info

Aaron Spevack, PhD

Senior Research Associate and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University and Associate of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

Meeting Info

M 6:30pm - 8:30pm (9/3 - 12/21)

Participation Option: Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous

In online asynchronous courses, you are not required to attend class at a particular time. Instead you can complete the course work on your own schedule each week.


Last day to register: August 29, 2024


This course meets via web conference. Students may attend at the scheduled meeting time or watch recorded sessions asynchronously. Recorded sessions are typically available within a few hours of the end of class and no later than the following business day.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
16100 1 Online Asynchronous, Online Synchronous Aaron Spevack Open M 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Sep 3 to Dec 21