Web Programming with PHP

Harvard Extension School


Section 1

CRN 26766

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The needs of modern web applications vary greatly depending on the business/product the application is serving, but certain functionality is common to most applications. Such functionality includes registration/authentication, form processing and validation, routing, caching, and database interfacing. While this functionality can be built from scratch with any server-capable language, it is more efficient to use a framework that provides this common functionality out of the box, allowing developers to focus on the specific business needs of their application. In this course, students learn about framework-based web application development via the lens of the PHP framework Laravel. Along the way, we explore paradigms common to web frameworks beyond Laravel, such as routing, controllers, models, views, and object-relational mapping. Over the course of the semester, we build stand-alone web applications and also look at how to build web services that can act as the backend to single-page applications built using tools such as Angular, React, or Vue.js.

Instructor Info

Meeting Info

1/27 to 5/17

Participation Option: Online Asynchronous

In online asynchronous courses, you are not required to attend class at a particular time. Instead you can complete the course work on your own schedule each week.


Last day to register: January 23, 2025


DGMD E-2 or equivalent foundation in programming. Students should also be comfortable with HTML/CSS and basic website publishing (CSCI E-12 or equivalent). For more information about the prerequisites, see http://hesweb.dev/e15/prereq.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
26766 1 Online Asynchronous Cancelled Jan 27 to May 17