Urban Development Policy

Harvard Extension School

ECON E-1700

Section 1

CRN 15079

View Course Details
This course reviews development policy making in urban areas, focusing on differing economic, demographic, institutional, and political settings. Course topics include a critical analysis of the continuing viability of cities in the context of current economic and demographic dynamics, fiscal stress, governance, economic development, poverty and race, drugs, homelessness, federal urban policy, and survival strategies for declining cities. The course considers economic development, social equity, and job growth in the context of metropolitan regions, and addresses federal, state, and local government strategies for expanding community economic development and affordable housing opportunities. Of special concern is the continuing spatial and racial isolation and concentration of low-income populations, especially minority populations, residing in urban communities including older, industrial cities. The course examines how market forces and pressures affect the availability of affordable housing, exacerbate the impacts of gentrification, and inhibit the availability of capital for affordable housing and economic development. It also examines how issues around growing housing affordability problems, the changing structure of capital markets, the reduction of low-skilled jobs in central city locations, and racial discrimination combine to limit housing and employment opportunities.

Instructor Info

James Carras, MPA

Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

Meeting Info

T 5:30pm - 7:30pm (9/3 - 12/21)

Participation Option: Online Synchronous


Last day to register: August 28, 2024


Courses in sociology, political science, urban planning, architecture, public policy, and economics are helpful but not required.


This course meets via web conference. Students must attend and participate at the scheduled meeting time.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
15079 1 Online Synchronous James Carras Open T 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Sep 2 to Dec 20