The Carbon Economy: Calculating, Managing, and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Harvard Extension School

ENVR E-116

Section 1

CRN 17158

View Course Details
The global economy is undergoing a fundamental transformation to low-carbon technologies from electric vehicles becoming mainstream and large-scale solar, wind, and even battery installations. Many countries and companies understand that this fourth industrial revolution will change everything, and face risks as well as opportunities. Some countries are establishing policies that decarbonize their economy to avoid the worst effects of a two degrees Celsius rise in temperatures. Organizations should start to develop and implement a two degrees Celsius strategy by clearly understanding their exposure to climate-related risks and identifying best practices for adapting to new carbon regulation, along with transforming their businesses by deploying sustainable energy practices. Understanding greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including how to calculate them and the importance of reporting them publicly, is vital to understanding how to identify sources of emission and how to reduce them. This course teaches students how to measure, report, and reduce GHG emissions with an eye toward understanding the roles that energy choices and usage play in reducing emissions.

Instructor Info

Marlon Robert Banta, ALM

Director, Product Definition, Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation

Richard Goode, MBA

Partner, PwC

Meeting Info

M 6:00pm - 8:00pm (9/3 - 12/21)

Participation Option: Online Asynchronous or Online Synchronous

In online asynchronous courses, you are not required to attend class at a particular time. Instead you can complete the course work on your own schedule each week.


Last day to register: August 29, 2024

Additional Time Commitments

Optional sections to be arranged.


This course meets via web conference. Students may attend at the scheduled meeting time or watch recorded sessions asynchronously. Recorded sessions are typically available within a few hours of the end of class and no later than the following business day.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
17158 1 Online Asynchronous, Online Synchronous Team Taught Open M 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Sep 3 to Dec 21