Sustainability Precapstone Tutorial

Harvard Summer School

ENVR S-598

Section 1

CRN 34202

Begin Registration
This tutorial helps students develop an academically strong capstone proposal. It is mandatory for candidates in the Harvard Extension School Master of Liberal Arts (ALM), sustainability who wish to register for the ENVR E-599 capstone in the upcoming fall term. The tutorial provides an essential ramp to the capstone course, mapping critical issues of research design (for example, scope, methodology, metrics for evaluating impact, and benchmarking) and allows the capstone course to begin with projects fully operational.

Instructor Info

Richard E. Wetzler, PhD

Research Advisor, Sustainability, Harvard Extension School

Meeting Info

6/23 to 8/8


Last day to register: June 17, 2025


Students must be officially admitted degree candidates in the Master of Liberal Arts (ALM), sustainability, and in their penultimate semester. Prospective candidates and students with pending admission applications are not eligible. Candidates must be in good academic standing and in the process of successfully completing all degree requirements except the capstone, which they must enroll in the upcoming fall term as their final, one-and-only course. Registration in the Harvard Extension School course, ENVR E-599, immediately following the Harvard Summer School course ENVR S-598 is a mandatory degree requirement. Candidates submit their prework to between March 1 and May 15. Prework requires revisions and must be approved by the research advisor. Candidates who do not meet these degree requirements or do not have their prework approved are dropped from the tutorial. To obtain mandatory prework instructions, visit the precapstone tutorial prework form.


Not open to Secondary School Program students. This tutorial involves e-mail, phone and/or Zoom one-on-one advising sessions with the instructor with the goal of producing an approved capstone proposal by the end of the semester.

All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
34202 1 Richard Wetzler Open Jun 23 to Aug 8
25198 1 Richard Wetzler Open Jan 27 to May 17

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