Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
Harvard Extension School
STAT E-160
Section 1
CRN 16982
Statistics are the tools we use to summarize and describe the world around us and to explore the causal processes at work. Understanding statistics and how they are used and misused is vital to assimilating information as an informed citizen, as well as pursuing a career in the behavioral sciences and other fields. This course covers introductory and intermediate-level statistics, and covers topics including principles of measurement, central tendency and variability, probability and distributions, correlation, hypothesis testing, t-tests, analysis of variance and covariance, linear and logistic regression, and chi-square tests. Students may only take one of the following for degree or certificate credit: PSYC E-1900 (offered previously), STAT E-150, or STAT E-160.
Registration Closes: August 29, 2024
Credits: 4
View Tuition Information Term
Fall Term 2024
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Full Term
Credit Status
Graduate, Noncredit, Undergraduate
Section Status