Precapstone: Business Ideas and Entrepreneurial Innovation

Harvard Extension School

BIOT E-597

Section 1

CRN 16815

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This precapstone course prepares students to write and present their business plan in the capstone. It is mandatory for candidates in the Master of Liberal Arts, biotechnology, who wish to register for BIOT E-599 in the spring. Through idea discovery, market research, and prototype development, students identify an innovative biotechnology product or application. In addition to idea generation and development, students receive guidance and advising to work effectively in teams to develop and propose a viable idea and outline a business plan. During the semester, students meet with industry experts to discuss best practices.

Instructor Info

Steven Denkin, PhD

Director and Research Advisor, Biotechnology, Harvard Extension School

Nicolas Labovitis, ALM

Chief Executive Officer, Ibex Finance, LLC

Meeting Info

W 5:10pm - 7:10pm (9/3 - 12/21)

Participation Option: Online Synchronous


Last day to register: August 29, 2024


Registration is limited to officially admitted candidates in Master of Liberal Arts, biotechnology, who are in their penultimate semester. Prospective candidates and students with pending admission applications are not eligible. Candidates must be in good academic standing and in the process of successfully completing all degree requirements except the capstone, BIOT E-599, which they must enroll in the upcoming spring term as their one and only final course (no other course registration is allowed simultaneously with the capstone). Candidates who do not meet these degree requirements are dropped from the course.


This course meets via web conference. Students must attend and participate at the scheduled meeting time.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
16815 1 Online Synchronous Team Taught Open W 5:10pm - 7:10pm
Sep 3 to Dec 21

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