Narratives of Displacement and Belonging in Israel and Palestine

Harvard Extension School

RELI E-1523

Section 1

CRN 17279

View Course Details
In this course we examine a diversity of narratives regarding displacement and belonging in Israel and Palestine. Through engagement with history, film, memoir, literature, and the arts, students hear diverse examples of what sociologist Ariel Hochschild calls "deep stories" that frame how individuals and communities make sense of their worlds. In our investigation, we draw upon critical theory to analyze the confluence of factors that shape how some deep stories rise to social and political prominence, while others are obscured; explore the historic roots of current narratives; and examine how an understanding of conflicting deep stories can provide fresh avenues of insight for those working to foster just peace in the region. Special attention is given to the roles that religious ideologies and institutions play in shaping diverse narratives.

Instructor Info

Diane L. Moore, PhD

Lecturer on Religion, Conflict, and Peace, and Associate Dean of Religion and Public Life, Harvard Divinity School

Meeting Info

T 7:40pm - 9:40pm (9/3 - 12/21)

Participation Option: Online Synchronous


Last day to register: August 28, 2024


This course meets via web conference. Students must attend and participate at the scheduled meeting time.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
17279 1 Online Synchronous Diane Moore Open T 7:40pm - 9:40pm
Sep 2 to Dec 20