Memory Systems of the Brain
Harvard Extension School
PSYC E-1437
Section 1
CRN 16731
This course is a neuroscience-based survey of memory systems including the disciplines of traditional psychology (for example, behaviorism versus cognitivism), behavioral neuroscience (in animals and human patient case studies), neuroanatomy (both extrinsic and intrinsic circuitries), cognitive neuroscience (executive functions, including semantic and episodic memory, and language) and contemporary topics in learning and memory research (including epigenetics, optogenetics, and chemogenetics). Students learn how to approach original scientific articles, including citation, hypothesis, methods (key dependent and independent variables), results (including graphs, statistical analyses, and interpretation), and conclusions, and importantly, learn to determine in their professional scientific opinion if the conclusions are sufficiently justified by the results, or not.
Registration Closes: August 29, 2024
Credits: 4
View Tuition Information Term
Fall Term 2024
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Full Term
Flexible Attendance Web Conference
Credit Status
Graduate, Noncredit, Undergraduate
Section Status