Introduction to Political Philosophy

Harvard Summer School


Section 1

CRN 30154

View Course Details
This course investigates the central problems of political theory that concern the justification and operation of democratic forms of government. What is democracy? What is the proper purpose and scope of political life? How can we judge between different political systems and assess their relative merits and virtues? What are the various ends of political life and how do they conflict? What is the relationship between democracy and other values or goods, like rights, justice, equality, and solidarity? What is the purpose of democracy and the strongest defense of it? Given the purposes of democracy, how is it attained and preserved? What are some of the most urgent contemporary debates and controversies in democratic theory and practice? We take up these questions by reading a combination of classical works of modern political philosophy from Machiavelli to Marx, along with contemporary work in political theory.

Instructor Info

Andrew F March, DPhil

Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School and Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Meeting Info

TTh 12:00pm - 3:00pm (6/24 - 8/9)

Participation Option: On Campus


Last day to register: June 20, 2024


Harvard College students: This course is eligible for degree credit, but see important policy information.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
30154 1 On Campus Andrew March Field not found in response. TTh 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Jun 24 to Aug 9

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