Humor Writing

Harvard Extension School


Section 1

CRN 26562

View Course Details
This is an intensive workshop for creative writing students looking to seriously invest in their craft. Over the course of the semester, students draft five mini-essays (1-2 pages each) inspired by an author or comic technique studied in class, and then expand and substantively revise one or two of these drafts to include in a final portfolio (10 pages). As part of the final revision process, students identify an online humor publication in consultation with the instructor that is aligned with the spirit of their work, and then pitch and/or submit at least one piece from their final portfolio for consideration.

Instructor Info

Ian Shank, MFA

Preceptor in Expository Writing, Harvard University

Meeting Info

MTWTh 6:00pm - 9:00pm (1/6 - 1/25)

Participation Option: Online Synchronous


Last day to register: January 05, 2025


A beginning-level creative writing course or permission of the instructor.


This course meets via web conference. Students must attend and participate at the scheduled meeting time.


All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
26562 1 Online Synchronous Ian Shank Open MTWTh 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Jan 5 to Jan 24