Crafting the Thesis Proposal in Psychology Tutorial

Harvard Extension School

PSYC E-497

Section 1

CRN 25102

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This tutorial helps students develop an academically strong thesis proposal. During the semester, they map critical issues of project design such as scope, background, methodology, and expected outcomes. Students are encouraged to contact their research advisor well before the required CTP application is due to discuss possible thesis topics and should not register for the tutorial unless they are ready to engage in the entire thesis process. They should consider if this is the right time to start independent research because it is expected that students will move from the tutorial to thesis registration the following semester with no break.

Instructor Info

Meeting Info

1/27 to 5/17


Last day to register: January 23, 2025


Registration is restricted to officially admitted candidates in the Master of Liberal Arts, psychology, who have received CTP application approval. Prospective candidates and students with pending admission applications are not eligible. Candidates must be in good academic standing and have successfully completed eight courses (32 credits) toward the degree, including the engaging in scholarly conversation series if required. Candidates who do not meet these degree requirements are dropped from the tutorial. The CTP application is due on November 1. See application guidelines for details.


The tutorial is not a course in the traditional sense. It is structured one-on-one advising with the instructor along with opportunities for interaction with other proposal writers. Students participate in an initial meeting with their instructor by phone or by video conference. Then, weekly work begins on the production of the various portions of the proposal document. As these materials are submitted, the instructor provides feedback to each student. The goal is to have a full draft of the proposal by the end of the semester.

All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
25102 1 Cancelled Jan 27 to May 17
25707 2 Christina Baker Open Jan 27 to May 17

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