Becoming a Brain Scientist: Neuroscience and Psychology Research

Harvard Summer School

MBB S-102

Section 1

CRN 33663

Begin Registration
How do scientists study the brain, behavior, cognition, and learning? This course is an introduction to how psychologists and neuroscientists formulate hypotheses, design experiments, and collect and analyze data to learn about nervous system and brain functioning, brain disorders and disease, learning, and behavior. Each student is matched with a research mentor in a Harvard laboratory. Students spend approximately ten hours per week on a project related to the lab's research. In addition, all students meet weekly as a group to explore topics of interest to researchers in biological science, neuroscience, and psychology, including finding and reading primary research articles, scientific methods, research ethics and human subjects' protection, and science communication. Students read both literature specific to their lab experience as well as more general material on research methods and experimental design. Host laboratories conduct research in a wide variety of areas, which may include neuroscience, cognition, brain disorders and disease, mental disorders, molecular neuroscience, and animal behavior.

Instructor Info

Garth Coombs, PhD

Preceptor in Psychology, Harvard University

Meeting Info

M 12:00pm - 2:00pm (6/23 - 8/8)

Participation Option: Online Synchronous


Last day to register: June 17, 2025


Students must have completed their junior year in high school. Students must submit a petition (maximum 3,000 characters) to enroll when adding this course to their cart. This petition will serve as a statement of interest, explaining the student's relevant experience and reasons for wanting to take this courses. Please include the following information in your petition: your current year in school or the highest level of schooling you have completed if not currently a student; what topics in psychology and/or neuroscience excite you the most; why you are interested in taking this course and what you hope to learn from it; and a brief summary of any relevant coursework or other experiences you have had, if any. Students also need to upload a transcript via MyDCE (a Transcript Upload task will appear under My Tasks within an hour of adding the course) before their application can be considered. Students should submit all materials by March 30 for the best chance of admission to the course. Applications are reviewed by lab personnel and the instructor. Once a decision had been made on the application, students will see in their carts whether the petition has been approved or denied. Please contact if you have questions about this course.


This course meets via web conference. Students must attend and participate at the scheduled meeting time. Harvard College students: This course is eligible for degree credit, but see important policy information.

All Sections of this Course

CRN Section # Participation Option(s) Instructor Section Status Meets Term Dates
33663 1 Online Synchronous Garth Coombs Open M 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Jun 23 to Aug 8

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