Michael Mitzenmacher is a professor of computer science and area dean for computer science in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. Mitzenmacher's research focuses on algorithms for the Internet, and he has authored or co-authored more than 150 conference and journal publications on subjects including peer-to-peer networks, power laws, Internet auctions, forward-error correction, and measurement mechanisms for network routers. His work on low-density parity-check codes won both the 2002 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers's Information Theory Society Best Paper Award and the 2009 SIGCOMM Test of Time Award. His textbook on probabilistic techniques in computer science was published in 2005 by Cambridge University Press.
Mitzenmacher graduated summa cum laude with a degree in mathematics and computer science from Harvard. After studying math for a year in Cambridge, England, on the Churchill Scholarship, he obtained his PhD in computer science at U.C. Berkeley. He worked at Digital Systems Research Center before joining theHarvard faculty in 1999.