This section of the writers' residency is for writers working in genres that depart from our known reality, including but not limited to fantasy, science fiction, dystopian fiction, alternate history, horror, and fabulism. Students interested in exploring speculative fiction for the first time or who would like to expand their skill set are welcome to register. The writers' residency is for advanced creative writers who have been admitted to the Harvard Extension School Master of Liberal Arts (ALM),
creative writing and literature. In the first week, participants attend two online classes focused on the craft and business of writing and prepare for the master class held in the second week by reading peers' manuscript submissions. During the second week, students explore fundamentals of the writer's craft in a workshop setting and prepare for and participate in a student reading. This master class is followed by an agents-and-editors weekend, consisting of two days of panels, workshops, and small group meetings designed to teach students how to bring their creative work to the marketplace. Week three of the residency features two additional online classes and submittal of a final piece of writing.